CoronaVirus update

The health, safety and welfare of our guests and employees is of paramount importance to us. We know it’s a bit of a strange time right now, and it’s likely to be that way for a few months. We’ve always been known for our lovely clean rooms and beds, but we’ve decided to take it even further and put some steps in place to make sure our hygiene standards are second to none, and that our team is able to cope with any guest who doesn’t feel well. We’re happy to talk to any of our guests about any specific concerns as well, just use the ‘Contact’ tab on our website. 


All team members have been briefed on the guidelines provided by the local health authorities and Public Health England. An extensive contingency plan has been shared internally. Daily meetings are conducted to review the situation; we are in constant communication with staff and guests to keep them updated and to advise them changes and appropriate measures to take.

We encourage any staff and guests who are unwell with any symptoms of fever, flu or respiratory problems to stay indoors and at home and to call the NHS 111 for assistance. Any guest in-house will be supported as appropriate and as directed by the authorities. 

Our already stringent cleaning standards have been escalated: 

·       Our apartments are equipped with fully fitted kitchens. We’ve always maintained very high standards of cleanliness in all our cleaning routines, but going forward all kitchen utensils, pots, pans, crockery and cutlery will be steam sterilised in between each guest. Small kitchen appliances such as kettles and toasters will be fully contact sanitised. 


·       We were already following a very strict and robust cleaning regime for all hard surfaces within our apartments. However, we’ve now increased our contact sanitisation times in order to ensure that all hard surfaces are fully disinfected and sanitised in between each occupation of our apartments. We’re also using an additional disinfecting surface spray which will create a barrier on all hard surfaces and continue to work even after the apartment has been cleaned. (Don’t worry it’s completely safe!) 


·       The sanitation of our air conditioning units is incredibly important to us and whilst we have always maintained a robust cleaning and servicing programme, we’ll now be treating each unit after every occupation of the apartment This means that the system will be cleaned using QX-60®– a high-strength disinfectant that kills 99.9% of germs in 60 seconds or less. This will ensure that any particles that may be present in the air are removed prior to the apartment being re-occupied. 


·       All soft furnishings that can be removed and changed are done so in between each apartment use. These items are then sent for industrial cleaning prior to being used again. Any items that can’t be changed such as curtains are treated with a disinfection spray to ensure that they are completely sanitised in between each occupation. 


·       Our TV remote controls will be sanitised as they always have been. However now they’ll also be treated with a bactericidal contact spray and packaged in a protective outer to ensure the highest levels of hygiene. 


·       All refuse and items taken from our apartments on check out will be removed and disposed of following a very strict set of infection control guidelines. This will be done prior to cleaning taking place to ensure there is no risk of cross contamination. They will be treated with a number of control measures to ensure there is no risk of cross contamination throughout the building. 


·       We are still offering our complimentary Grab & Go continental breakfast, offering freshly baked pastries, fresh fruit, porridge and yoghurts. However in order to ensure strict levels of hygiene this is now being bagged in our back kitchen areas with colleagues wearing full PPE. Each item is wrapped individually and then bagged in an outer paper bag to limit contact with items and ensures that guests can take breakfast back to their apartments to enjoy. 


·       We have increased our communal area cleaning schedules and are paying particular attention to all high contact areas such as lift buttons. We’re also using a contact bactericidal surface spray which is designed to be left on hard surfaces and continue to provide bacterial protection for up to 4 hours after application. 


·       Our front desk teams are adhering to strict social distancing levels with heightened levels of hygiene and sanitation in place. All our employees have had training specifically for infection control and increased levels of sanitation in all high traffic areas have been implemented 


·       Our check in process is as contact free as possible and we provide contactless hand sanitiser for all guests entering the hotel. We have also placed hand sanitiser dispensers in all high contact areas such as lift entrances and exits. 



·       For any residents who may be showing symptoms of COVID 19 we have a strict self-isolation policy which is given to all guests on arrival and strictly adhered to. Out incredibly stringent process ensures that all possible precautions are taken to ensure the safety of all guests at all times


·       We have closed down our gyms, communal spaces and coffee machines in order to ensure that we are following strict social distancing guidelines, However we have made provision for you to still to be able to get complimentary tea and coffee 24 hours a day which you can take to your room to make and enjoy. 


·       When we are in a position to open the communal spaces up we’ll be implementing strict social distancing measures ensuring that our guests and our colleagues can maintain a minimum of 2 meters distance at all times. 


We have yet to be aware of any case of Coronavirus within the hotels, our team or any of our guests. We will continue to monitor the situation carefully to minimise the chance of the infection appearing in one of the hotels. We will proactively and sensitively deal with any such case should the situation arise.  

We’re a small effective team and a family run business. We realise that more flexibility is needed during the uncertainty. If you have questions about an upcoming reservation, please contact our team on 0203 504 5555 or email and the team will be happy to help you. 

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